Uncovering the Power of Connectivist Frames in Education: A Data Science Approach to Uncontested Economics

Potential Abstract: This research article investigates the potential of connectivist frames in education, specifically when coupled with data science methodologies, to explore the uncharted territory of uncontested economics. The advent of technology has revolutionized the way people interact and acquire knowledge. Connectivism, as a learning theory, emphasizes the importance of networks and connections in the … Read more

Personalized Learning Networks: Exploring the Potential of the Interplanetary File System for Poststructural Negotiation in Education

Potential Abstract: This research article investigates the potential of utilizing the Interplanetary File System (IPFS) for personalized learning networks in education. Drawing on poststructural theories, the study explores how the IPFS can support the negotiation of knowledge and meaning-making processes in educational settings. The aim is to examine how this decentralized and distributed network protocol … Read more

Disruptive Learnings in Sociopolitical Contexts: Exploring the Role of Dev Ops and Textuality

Potential Abstract: This research article investigates the intersection of disruptive learnings, sociopolitical contexts, dev ops, and textuality in educational settings. Drawing on the growing recognition of the need to address the sociopolitical dimensions of education, this study aims to understand how disruptive learnings can be facilitated through the integration of dev ops practices and the … Read more

Exploring a Critical Approach to Remedial Education through GitHub: Uncovering New Meanings

Potential Abstract: This research article investigates the potential of a critical approach to remedial education by leveraging the collaborative platform GitHub. In recent years, the field of education has witnessed a growing interest in critical pedagogy, which emphasizes the examination of power dynamics, social inequalities, and the development of a critical consciousness among students. However, … Read more

Unleashing the Power of Innovative Stories: Exploring Open Educational Practices and Engineered Research Methods

Potential Abstract: Abstract: This research aims to explore the potential of innovative stories within the context of open educational practices and engineered research methods. As technology advances and the availability of digital resources increases, there is a growing interest in understanding how open educational practices can contribute to more effective and engaging learning experiences. Additionally, … Read more

Unpacking Cognitive Counterfactuals: Leveraging Learning Analytics for Deconstructionist Analysis of Mode of Address in Education

Potential Abstract: This study presents an innovative approach to unravel the cognitive dimensions of counterfactual thinking in educational contexts through the application of learning analytics and a deconstructionist lens. Counterfactual thinking, referring to the mental process of imagining alternative scenarios to reality, has gained considerable attention in cognitive science research, highlighting its potential to enhance … Read more

Examining Pragmatist Epistemologies and Open Educational Practices: A Derridean Approach to Inference

Potential Abstract: Abstract: This research article explores the intersection of pragmatist epistemologies and open educational practices through a Derridean lens, focusing on the role of inference in educational settings. Drawing on the theoretical frameworks of pragmatism, open education, and Derridean deconstruction, this study investigates how educators can integrate open educational practices within a pragmatist epistemological … Read more

Unpacking the Neoliberal Agenda: An Analysis of Cognitive Benefits and Challenges of Large Language Models in Open Educational Resources

Potential Abstract: This research study delves into the cognitive benefits and challenges of using large language models in open educational resources (OER) within the context of the neoliberal agenda. As the availability and utilization of OER continues to grow, concerns regarding the impact of new technologies on cognitive processes and educational systems have arisen. Specifically, … Read more

Unveiling Cognitive Biases in Poststructural Race Analysis of Hypermedia in Education

Potential Abstract: This research article explores the intersection of race, hypermedia, cognitive biases, and poststructural analysis in educational settings. It investigates how hypermedia, as a technological tool, can perpetuate or challenge cognitive biases in the understanding and interpretation of race. Drawing on poststructural theoretical frameworks, the study aims to uncover and critically analyze the underlying … Read more

Unpacking the Implications of Open Educational Resources for Indigenous Education: A Postcolonial Data Science Perspective

Potential Abstract: Abstract: The rapid expansion of open educational resources (OER) has the potential to revolutionize educational access and opportunities for marginalized communities, including Indigenous populations. This research article examines the implications of OER implementation in Indigenous education through a postcolonial lens, utilizing data science methodologies. By exploring the intersection of OER, Indigenous knowledge systems, … Read more
