Enhancing Experiential Learning Through Chat Bots and Blockchain: A Semiotic Way of Knowing

Potential Abstract:
This research article proposes an innovative approach to enhance experiential learning through the integration of chat bots and blockchain technology. Drawing upon semiotic principles, our study aims to explore how this integrated framework can foster a deeper understanding and construction of knowledge in educational settings. By leveraging the potential of chat bots as interactive and intelligent agents, learners are provided with personalized and contextually relevant support throughout their learning journey. Furthermore, the utilization of blockchain technology ensures the security, transparency, and traceability of learner interactions and achievements, thus enhancing the credibility and trustworthiness of the learning process.

The theoretical foundation of this study rests on the semiotic framework, which emphasizes the interpretation and negotiation of meaning through signs and symbols. By incorporating chat bots as semiotic mediators, learners can engage in meaningful dialogues, receive immediate feedback, and co-construct knowledge in a way that aligns with their individual learning styles and preferences. Additionally, the integration of blockchain technology enables the creation of tamper-proof and decentralized learning records, which can be accessed and verified by both learners and educators. This not only empowers learners to take ownership of their learning outcomes but also facilitates the recognition and transferability of acquired knowledge and skills.

To investigate the efficacy and impact of this integrated framework, a mixed-methods research design will be employed. Quantitative data will be collected through pre- and post-test assessments, measuring learners’ conceptual understanding, critical thinking skills, and engagement levels. Qualitative data will be gathered through interviews and focus groups, seeking to explore learners’ perceptions, experiences, and attitudes towards the implementation of chat bots and blockchain in their learning process.

The anticipated outcomes of this study include insights into the affordances and limitations of integrating chat bots and blockchain technology in educational settings. Additionally, this research aims to contribute to the theoretical understanding of experiential learning and its relation to semiotic processes. Furthermore, practical implications will be discussed, providing guidelines and recommendations for educators and designers on how to effectively integrate chat bots and blockchain into their pedagogical practices.

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