Ethnocentric Aesthetics in Educational Data Mining: A Commodified Analysis

Potential Abstract: In this study, we explore the notion of ethnocentric aesthetics within the context of educational data mining, using a commodified analysis framework. The increasing reliance on data-driven decision-making in education has led to concerns about how ethnocentric biases may be perpetuated and reinforced through the aesthetic choices made in the design and implementation … Read more

Perceptions of Impacts: A Pragmatist Approach to Deconstructionist Negotiation in Education

Potential Abstract: This study examines the perceptions of impacts within educational settings through a pragmatic lens, focusing on the process of deconstructionist negotiation. Drawing on pragmatist theories, which emphasize the practical consequences of beliefs and actions, as well as deconstructionist perspectives, which challenge dominant narratives and assumptions, this research aims to uncover the complex interactions … Read more

Navigating the Portal of Operant Theories: A Hermeneutic Expansion

Potential Abstract: This research article explores the intersection of operant theories and hermeneutics within the realm of educational research. By delving into the concept of a “portal,” we aim to uncover new possibilities for expanding educational practices and theories. Drawing on the hermeneutic approach to understanding human experience and interpretation, we investigate how operant theories … Read more

Examining Categorical Representation in Educational Technologies Through Social Network Analysis

Potential Abstract: Abstract: This study explores the role of categorical representation in educational technologies through the lens of social network analysis. Drawing on deconstructionist theory, the research examines how different categories are constructed and reinforced within digital learning environments. The study utilizes social network analysis techniques to uncover patterns of categorical representation and to investigate … Read more

Unleashing Creative Conversations: Poststructural Perspectives on Large Language Models in Educational Networks

Potential Abstract: This research article examines the intersection of creativity, networks, and large language models within educational contexts from a poststructural lens. In recent years, the emergence of large language models, such as GPT-3 and BERT, has revolutionized natural language processing and generated significant interest in their potential applications across various domains, including education. These … Read more

Racial Infrastructures in the Post-Imperial Era: Leveraging the Interplanetary File System for Commons Building

Potential Abstract: This research explores the intersection of race, infrastructures, and digital commons in the post-imperial era, focusing on the potential of the Interplanetary File System (IPFS) as a tool for building equitable and inclusive educational environments. Drawing on critical race theory and decolonial perspectives, we investigate how existing power structures perpetuate educational inequities and … Read more

“Centered Texts and Metalogue in Constructionist Open Educational Practices”

Potential Abstract: This research study explores the impact of constructionist, open educational practices on student learning through the use of centered texts and metalogue. Drawing upon principles of constructionism, which emphasize active engagement with learning materials and collaborative problem-solving, this study investigates how incorporating centered texts and engaging in metalogues can enhance student understanding and … Read more

Feminist Equation: Leveraging Large Language Models and Flexible Hypermedia in Education

Potential Abstract: Recent advances in large language models have opened up new possibilities for flexible and personalized educational content delivery through hypermedia platforms. This study explores the integration of feminist pedagogical principles within the design and implementation of educational materials utilizing large language models and flexible hypermedia. By examining the potential of incorporating feminist perspectives … Read more

Virtual Infrastructures in Education: A Hermeneutic Market Analysis Through the Lens of Behavioral Economics

Potential Abstract: In this study, we investigate the role of virtual infrastructures in education through a hermeneutic market analysis informed by principles of behavioral economics. The increasing prevalence of virtual learning environments has brought about a shift in educational paradigms, presenting new opportunities and challenges for educators, policymakers, and stakeholders. Drawing on insights from behavioral … Read more

Mediated Constructs in Commons-Based Peer Production: A Keynesian Approach to Simulation in Education

Potential Abstract: This research article explores the concept of mediated constructs within the context of commons-based peer production in education, utilizing a Keynesian economic perspective to inform simulation practices. In recent years, there has been a growing interest in leveraging digital technologies and online platforms to facilitate collaborative learning and knowledge creation in educational settings. … Read more
