Enhancing Experiential Learning Through Reified Stories and Non-Fungible Tokens: A Conversation-Based Approach

Potential Abstract: This research article explores the potential of combining experiential learning, reified stories, and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) to enhance educational practices. Experiential learning emphasizes the importance of hands-on experiences and active participation, promoting deeper engagement and knowledge retention. Reified stories, or stories that are transformed into tangible artifacts, have been found to enhance storytelling experiences and facilitate learning. NFTs, a form of digital asset, provide unique ownership and provenance to digital objects, creating new opportunities for storytelling and engagement in educational contexts.

Drawing on theoretical frameworks from artificial intelligence, education, and narrative studies, this article proposes a conversation-based approach to integrating experiential learning, reified stories, and NFTs in educational settings. The conversation-based approach focuses on fostering collaborative and reflective dialogue among learners, educators, and AI-driven technologies to facilitate the creation, exploration, and analysis of reified stories via NFTs.

By leveraging AI technologies, learners can create and personalize reified stories using various multimedia elements such as text, images, audio, and videos. These reified stories, stored as NFTs on decentralized platforms, offer unique opportunities for sharing and collaboration, enabling learners to engage with diverse perspectives and co-construct knowledge. The use of NFTs also ensures the authenticity and traceability of the stories, enhancing learner accountability and promoting critical thinking.

Furthermore, this article discusses the pedagogical implications of integrating experiential learning, reified stories, and NFTs. It explores the potential for fostering creativity, empathy, and digital citizenship while addressing challenges related to privacy, accessibility, and ethical considerations. The article also highlights the potential impact of this approach on marginalized learners, as it offers a platform for amplifying their voices and experiences.

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