Unpacking Social Narratives through Artificial Intelligence: An Expansion of Heideggerian Perspectives

Potential Abstract: This research article explores the intersection of social narratives, artificial intelligence (AI), and Heideggerian philosophies within the field of education. Drawing on Heidegger’s notion of being-with-others and the significance of narratives in shaping our social interactions, this study investigates how AI technologies can be utilized to expand our understanding of social narratives in … Read more

Unpacking Nuanced Aesthetics in Web3: Towards Personalized Postcolonial Educational Experiences

Potential Abstract: Personalized learning has gained significant attention in the field of education as a means to promote individualized and meaningful educational experiences. However, the integration of personalized learning within the context of Web3 technologies has not been sufficiently explored. This research article aims to examine the role of aesthetics in personalized postcolonial educational experiences … Read more

Investigating the Sociopolitical Dimensions of Open Educational Practices in Postcolonial Settings: A Critical Analysis of Standard Technologies

Potential Abstract: This research article explores the sociopolitical dimensions of open educational practices (OEP) in postcolonial settings, with a specific focus on the critical analysis of standard technologies. In recent years, the increasing integration of digital technologies in educational contexts has raised important questions about access, power, and representation. This study aims to examine how … Read more

Uncovering Authentic Roles in Education: Examining the Impact of DevOps and Conservative Causal Models

Potential Abstract: This research article aims to investigate the intersection of authentic roles in education, the application of DevOps principles, and the influence of conservative causal models. The current educational landscape demands a closer examination of how these factors interact and potentially shape student learning outcomes. Authentic roles in education refer to the meaningful engagement … Read more

Unveiling Anti-Racist Paradigms in Cyberspaces: A Phenomenological Exploration of Cognitive Biases

Potential Abstract: This study investigates the role of cyberspaces in perpetuating or challenging cognitive biases within educational contexts, with a particular focus on anti-racist paradigms. By employing a phenomenological approach, we aim to understand the lived experiences of individuals navigating cyberspaces and identify potential strategies to counteract cognitive biases that hinder equitable educational opportunities. The … Read more

Unleashing the Potential of Personalized Narratives in Open Data Postcolonial Simulations

Potential Abstract: This research article explores the transformative potential of personalized narratives in the context of open data postcolonial simulations. Drawing upon theories of critical pedagogy, postcolonialism, and narrative inquiry, this study investigates how the integration of personalized narratives within open data simulations can enhance students’ understanding of postcolonial histories, critical thinking skills, and global … Read more

Understanding Factors Influencing Context-Laden Positionality in Commons-Based Peer Production in Education

Potential Abstract: This research article investigates the context-laden factors that contribute to the positionality of individuals engaged in commons-based peer production (CBPP) within the educational domain. CBPP, a collaborative model where participants collectively create and share resources, has gained significant attention as a means to foster knowledge creation, innovation, and learning. However, little is known … Read more

Reframing Pedagogies through Personalized Learning and Blockchain Technology

Potential Abstract: Abstract: This research aims to explore the potential of personalized pedagogies empowered by blockchain technology in reframing traditional educational practices. The current education system is often criticized for its one-size-fits-all approach, which fails to address individual differences and diverse learning needs. The advent of personalized learning provides an opportunity to tailor educational experiences … Read more

Unveiling Racism in Educational Networks: Leveraging ChatGPT and Object-oriented Analysis to Explore Modes of Address

Potential Abstract: This research article investigates the role of racism within educational networks by leveraging the capabilities of ChatGPT and employing an object-oriented analysis to examine the modes of address employed in online interactions. Racism continues to shape educational experiences and perpetuate inequities. However, studying and addressing racism within educational networks is challenging due to … Read more

Reframing Knowledge Production in Education: Unleashing the Potential of Dynamic Commons-Based Peer Production

Potential Abstract: Education has traditionally relied on centralized and hierarchical models of knowledge production, with limited opportunities for active student engagement and the co-creation of knowledge. This article challenges the prevailing paradigms by exploring the potential of dynamic commons-based peer production as a means to transform knowledge production in education. Drawing on principles of open … Read more
