Exploring the Innovative Use of Distributed Ledger Technology in Science Education: A Heideggerian Perspective on Texts

Potential Abstract: This research article investigates the potential of distributed ledger technology (DLT) as an innovative tool for enhancing science education by examining its impact on the interpretation of texts from a Heideggerian perspective. While traditional approaches to science education have primarily focused on the acquisition of factual knowledge, this study seeks to explore the … Read more

Enhancing Social Service Learning through Chat Bots: A Centered Approach based on Directed Acyclic Graphs

Potential Abstract: This research article explores the potential of chat bots to enhance social service learning experiences through a centered approach based on directed acyclic graphs. Service learning, as an educational pedagogy, has been widely recognized for its ability to foster civic engagement, critical thinking, and social responsibility among students. However, the implementation of service … Read more

Discrete Websites and Distributed Hashing: Exploring Poststructural Research Methods in Education

Potential Abstract: This research article examines the potential of poststructural research methods in the context of education by focusing on the utilization of discrete websites and distributed hashing techniques. The study explores how these innovative approaches can contribute to understanding the complexity of educational phenomena and the construction of knowledge. By acknowledging the multifaceted nature … Read more

Investigating Unanswered Social Boundaries in MOOCs via a Portal

Potential Abstract: In recent years, Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) have gained significant popularity as a means of widening access to higher education. However, despite their potential to engage diverse learners, MOOCs often struggle to foster social interaction and build communities of learners. One key challenge is the existence of social boundaries that hinder participation … Read more

Unleashing the Postindustrial Commons: A Constructivist Approach to Aesthetics in Education through GitHub

Potential Abstract: This research article explores the potential of integrating constructivist pedagogical practices with GitHub as a platform for fostering aesthetic experiences in education within the context of the postindustrial era. Drawing upon the theoretical foundations of constructivism and the postindustrial commons, this study investigates how the utilization of GitHub as a collaborative and creative … Read more

Exploring Categorical Theories through Data Science: Poststructural Re-negotiation in Education

Potential Abstract: This research article seeks to examine the intersection between categorical theories, data science, and poststructural re-negotiation in the field of education. Drawing on theoretical frameworks from critical and poststructuralist perspectives, this study investigates the ways in which data science can be leveraged to challenge and deconstruct existing categorical theories in educational research. By … Read more

Unveiling Complex Networks in Open Data Environments: A Game Theoretic Approach to Analyzing Conversations

Potential Abstract: This research article delves into the analysis of complex networks within open data environments, utilizing a game theoretic framework to investigate patterns of conversation. With the proliferation of digital platforms and the increasing availability of open data, understanding the dynamics of conversations and information flow within these environments becomes crucial. However, the intricacies … Read more

Unveiling the Impact of Racism through Naive Behavioral Economics Experiments: A Novel Approach

Potential Abstract: This research article introduces a novel approach to investigating the impact of racism through the lens of naive behavioral economics experiments. Racism remains a pervasive and pressing issue in education, and exploring its effects on students’ decision-making and academic outcomes is crucial for developing effective interventions. While previous research has shed light on … Read more

Decolonizing Grading in Indigenous Education: Exploring the Potential of Distributed Ledger Technology in a Marxist MOOC

Potential Abstract: This research article examines the potential of distributed ledger technology (DLT) to decolonize the grading practices within Indigenous education, specifically within the context of a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) grounded in Marxist pedagogy. The article explores the challenges faced by Indigenous students in traditional grading systems, which often perpetuate cultural biases and … Read more

Algorithmic Scoring in Education: A Marxist Approach Leveraging GitHub

Potential Abstract: This research article presents a novel approach to algorithmic scoring in education, adopting a Marxist perspective and utilizing the collaborative platform GitHub. Algorithmic scoring has gained prominence in educational settings as a means to efficiently analyze and assess large volumes of student work. However, concerns have been raised regarding the potential biases and … Read more
