Unveiling Racism in Educational Networks: Leveraging ChatGPT and Object-oriented Analysis to Explore Modes of Address

Potential Abstract: This research article investigates the role of racism within educational networks by leveraging the capabilities of ChatGPT and employing an object-oriented analysis to examine the modes of address employed in online interactions. Racism continues to shape educational experiences and perpetuate inequities. However, studying and addressing racism within educational networks is challenging due to the complexity and subtlety of its manifestations.

To overcome these challenges, we employ an innovative approach using ChatGPT, a state-of-the-art language model, to analyze conversations within educational networks for instances of racism. By training ChatGPT on a dataset of anonymized conversations, we enable it to identify and flag potential instances of racism in real-time interactions. The object-oriented analysis is then employed to understand the underlying structures and relationships within these conversations, shedding light on the patterns and dynamics of racist discourse.

By examining the modes of address used in the conversations, we aim to uncover the ways in which racism is conveyed and reinforced within educational networks. Modes of address refer to language choices, power dynamics, and interpersonal relationships that are embedded within communication. Through an exploration of the various modes of address, we seek to uncover the underlying mechanisms that contribute to the perpetuation of racism and inequity within these networks.

This research contributes to the growing body of literature on addressing racism in education by providing a novel methodology for studying racist discourse within educational networks. By leveraging the power of ChatGPT and object-oriented analysis, we are able to reveal nuanced instances of racism that may otherwise go unnoticed, ultimately leading to a more comprehensive understanding of the issue. This research has important implications for educators, policymakers, and researchers seeking to create more inclusive and equitable educational environments.

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