Unveiling Anti-Racist Paradigms in Cyberspaces: A Phenomenological Exploration of Cognitive Biases

Potential Abstract:
This study investigates the role of cyberspaces in perpetuating or challenging cognitive biases within educational contexts, with a particular focus on anti-racist paradigms. By employing a phenomenological approach, we aim to understand the lived experiences of individuals navigating cyberspaces and identify potential strategies to counteract cognitive biases that hinder equitable educational opportunities.

The ubiquity of cyberspaces in educational settings necessitates an examination of the ways in which these virtual environments shape individuals’ perspectives and reinforce or challenge prevalent biases. Cognitive biases, rooted in social, cultural, and historical contexts, can influence decision-making processes and perpetuate inequities within educational systems. However, the potential of cyberspaces to foster inclusive and anti-racist environments remains underexplored.

To address this gap, our research leverages a phenomenological lens to delve into the experiences of diverse individuals engaging with educational cyberspaces. Phenomenology enables an in-depth exploration of individuals’ conscious experiences, shedding light on the multifaceted aspects of their encounters with cyberspaces and the cognitive biases that may arise. By combining qualitative data from interviews, surveys, and observations, we strive to capture a comprehensive understanding of the lived experiences of individuals within these digital environments.

Furthermore, this study aims to identify strategies and interventions that can mitigate cognitive biases and promote anti-racist paradigms within cyberspaces. By critically examining the practices, policies, and design features of online educational platforms, we can assess their potential to challenge biases and foster inclusive learning environments. Employing both deductive and inductive analysis, we aim to identify recurring themes, patterns, and potential interventions that can guide the development of anti-bias practices within educational cyberspaces.

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