Investigating the Impact of Cognitive Scales on Large Language Models through Stigmergic Directed Acyclic Graphs

Potential Abstract: This research article explores the potential of cognitive scales in improving the performance and interpretability of large language models, such as neural language models and transformers. Large language models have shown remarkable success in various natural language processing tasks, but their opacity and lack of interpretability hinder their application in educational contexts. By … Read more

Examining the Sociopolitical Dimensions of Grit in Learning Science: A Reified Metalogue

Potential Abstract: This research article aims to explore the sociopolitical dimensions of grit in the context of learning science, utilizing a reified metalogue approach. Grit, as the tenacity and perseverance towards long-term goals, has gained significant attention in education and has been linked to academic success. However, the prevailing understanding of grit often overlooks the … Read more

Exploring the Impact of Open Market Models and Virtual Currency in Educational Settings: A Cognitive Science Perspective

Potential Abstract: This study investigates the potential of open market models and virtual currency as innovative educational tools within the framework of cognitive science. As the field of education continues to evolve and adapt to the demands of the digital age, there is a growing interest in leveraging emerging technologies and pedagogical approaches to enhance … Read more

Examining the Impact of Flexible Technologies on Open Educational Practices: A Reified Perspective

Potential Abstract: Abstract: This research study investigates the influence of flexible technologies on open educational practices (OEP) from a reified perspective. The rapid advancements in technology have presented new opportunities for educators to adopt flexible and innovative teaching practices. However, there is limited research on the effects of flexible technologies on OEP and the potential … Read more

Transnational Analysis of Constructionist Hypermedia Microlearning in Education

Potential Abstract: This research article presents a transnational analysis of the effectiveness and impact of constructionist hypermedia microlearning in education. The study explores the potential of utilizing constructionist approaches within digital learning environments to enhance students’ engagement, critical thinking, and knowledge acquisition. By combining the principles of constructivism and hypermedia technology, constructionist approaches foster active … Read more

Understanding the Impact of Mindsets on the Formation of Ill-Structured Causal Models: A Social Network Analysis Approach in Conservative Educational Settings

Potential Abstract: This study investigates the influence of mindsets on the formation of ill-structured causal models within conservative educational settings, employing a social network analysis (SNA) approach. Ill-structured problems, characterized by their open-ended nature and inherent complexity, challenge students’ abilities to reason and construct causal models effectively. Moreover, mindsets, defined as individuals’ beliefs about the … Read more

Unveiling the Stigmergic Nature of Online Learning Science: Standardizing Constructs for Enhanced Educational Outcomes

Potential Abstract: Abstract: This research article unveils the stigmergic nature of online learning science and explores the potential for standardizing constructs to enhance educational outcomes. The rapid growth of online education platforms has provided learners with unprecedented opportunities for self-directed learning and collaboration. However, the complex and decentralized nature of online learning environments poses challenges … Read more

Uncovering the Uncontested Equation: Racism, Inequities, and Artificial Intelligence in Education

Potential Abstract: This research article aims to examine the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in perpetuating and exacerbating racial inequities in educational settings. While AI technologies have the potential to benefit educational outcomes, their deployment in educational contexts must be critically examined to ensure they do not reinforce systemic racism and widen existing disparities. Drawing … Read more

Exploring Authentic Learning Ecologies for Semiotic Innovation using Interplanetary File System

Potential Abstract: In recent years, there has been growing interest in leveraging innovative technologies to foster authentic learning experiences in educational settings. This study aims to explore the potential of the Interplanetary File System (IPFS) as a platform for creating authentic learning ecologies that promote semiotic innovation. Authentic learning, characterized by real-world connections, meaningful tasks, … Read more

Analyzing the Critical Role of Adaptive Mailing Lists in Virtual Currency Systems: A Comparative Analysis

Potential Abstract: This research study aims to critically analyze the role of adaptive mailing lists in virtual currency systems through a comparative analysis. With the rising popularity of virtual currencies, such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, understanding the mechanisms by which these systems adapt to user needs and preferences is of paramount importance. The utilization of … Read more
