Uncovering the Uncontested Equation: Racism, Inequities, and Artificial Intelligence in Education

Potential Abstract:
This research article aims to examine the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in perpetuating and exacerbating racial inequities in educational settings. While AI technologies have the potential to benefit educational outcomes, their deployment in educational contexts must be critically examined to ensure they do not reinforce systemic racism and widen existing disparities. Drawing on interdisciplinary perspectives from the fields of AI, education, and social justice, this study investigates the ways in which AI algorithms might unwittingly perpetuate discriminatory practices and unequal outcomes.

Through a systematic review of relevant literature, this research article identifies key themes and findings related to the intersection of racism, inequities, and AI in education. By synthesizing research from diverse disciplines, this study aims to contribute to the growing body of scholarship on the ethical and social implications of AI in education. The analysis explores how AI algorithms, when trained on biased data or designed without sufficient consideration of equity, can potentially exacerbate educational inequities, reinforce discriminatory practices, and perpetuate racial biases.

The research findings reveal the need for a critical examination of AI systems in educational contexts, particularly regarding their impact on marginalized communities. The article highlights the importance of developing inclusive, transparent, and ethically designed AI algorithms that prioritize equity and social justice. Additionally, it provides recommendations for policymakers, educators, and AI developers to address the challenges posed by the intersection of racism, inequities, and AI in educational settings.

Potential References:
