Unveiling Experiential Inequities: Exploring the Perception of Heideggerian Schemas in Education

Potential Abstract:
This research article aims to shed light on the experiential inequities that exist within educational settings, specifically focusing on the perception of Heideggerian schemas. Drawing upon the philosophy of Martin Heidegger and insights from educational psychology, this study investigates how students’ subjective experiences and perceptions of the educational environment are shaped by their pre-existing schemas. By examining the interplay between these schemas and the perpetuation of inequities within education, this research seeks to contribute to a deeper understanding of the underlying mechanisms that lead to disparate outcomes for students.

The study employs a qualitative research design, utilizing semi-structured interviews and classroom observations to gather rich and nuanced data. Participants will include students from diverse backgrounds, enabling a comprehensive exploration of the impact of experiential inequities across different populations. Guided by Heidegger’s notion of the “ready-to-hand” and “presence-at-hand,” this research investigates how students’ pre-existing schemas influence their perception of educational practices, pedagogical approaches, and social interactions within the classroom.

The findings of this study have significant implications for education policymakers, administrators, and educators. By uncovering the ways in which students’ prior experiences and schemas shape their educational experiences, this research highlights the need for a more holistic and equitable approach to education. By addressing the underlying inequities embedded within educational structures, educators can work towards creating an environment that fosters inclusive learning experiences for all students.

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