Exploring the Innovative Use of Distributed Ledger Technology in Science Education: A Heideggerian Perspective on Texts

Potential Abstract:
This research article investigates the potential of distributed ledger technology (DLT) as an innovative tool for enhancing science education by examining its impact on the interpretation of texts from a Heideggerian perspective. While traditional approaches to science education have primarily focused on the acquisition of factual knowledge, this study seeks to explore the transformative possibilities offered by combining DLT with Heideggerian philosophy in the realm of science education. By utilizing DLT, learners are enabled to engage in a distributed and decentralized process of text interpretation, facilitating a more active and participatory learning experience.

The theoretical framework underpinning this research draws on Martin Heidegger’s concept of hermeneutics, which emphasizes the interpretive nature of human existence and the role of language in meaning-making. By applying Heideggerian principles to the interpretation of scientific texts, this study aims to investigate how DLT can support learners in developing a deeper understanding of scientific concepts, fostering critical thinking and reflective engagement.

To explore these ideas, a mixed-methods research approach will be employed, including qualitative data collection through interviews and observations, as well as quantitative data analysis to examine the impact of DLT on students’ learning outcomes and engagement. Participants will consist of high school science students enrolled in a pilot program that incorporates DLT into the science curriculum.

The findings of this research will contribute to the growing field of educational technology, particularly in the context of science education. By integrating DLT with a Heideggerian perspective, this study seeks to provide insights into the affordances and challenges of this innovative pedagogical approach. It is expected that the results will inform both researchers and practitioners in the design and implementation of future educational interventions that leverage emerging technologies and philosophical frameworks.

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