Unpacking Interpersonal Dynamics in Educational Settings: Insights from Behavioral Economics and Cognitive Science

Potential Abstract: In educational settings, interpersonal dynamics play a crucial role in shaping student experiences, learning outcomes, and overall classroom dynamics. This research article explores the intersection of behavioral economics and cognitive science to unpack the underlying mechanisms of interpersonal interactions in educational contexts. Drawing on the concept of hegemonies, we investigate how power dynamics, social norms, and situationality influence decision-making processes and behavior within educational environments. By integrating insights from both disciplines, this study aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the complex interplay between individual cognition, social interactions, and environmental factors in shaping educational experiences. Through a series of case studies and empirical analyses, we examine how students navigate social hierarchies, negotiate power dynamics, and make decisions in varying educational contexts. Additionally, we explore the implications of these findings for educational policy and practice, highlighting the importance of considering interpersonal dynamics in designing effective learning environments. Overall, this research contributes to a deeper understanding of the multifaceted nature of interpersonal dynamics in education and offers practical insights for educators, policymakers, and researchers seeking to foster more inclusive and equitable educational environments.

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