Analyzing the Impact of Remedial Interventions on Learning Schema in Contested Educational Settings through Social Network Analysis and Counterfactuals

Potential Abstract: This research article investigates the effect of remedial interventions on the development of learning schema in educational contexts characterized by contestation. The study employs a multifaceted approach combining social network analysis (SNA) and counterfactual reasoning to examine the intricate dynamics between remedial interventions, social interactions, and schema acquisition.

The contested nature of educational settings refers to environments where multiple perspectives, beliefs, and values coexist, leading to divergent interpretations of knowledge and learning processes. In such settings, remedial interventions play a crucial role in addressing academic gaps and enhancing learning outcomes. However, the impact of these interventions on students’ acquisition of schema, which comprises their mental frameworks for organizing and interpreting information, remains underexplored.

To address this research gap, a mixed-methods design will be utilized, integrating qualitative and quantitative data collection techniques. The study will focus on a sample of students from diverse educational backgrounds and will employ social network analysis to map out the patterns of peer interactions and knowledge exchange within the learning environment. Through this analysis, the study will identify key individuals and social groups that influence the acquisition and application of schema.

Additionally, counterfactual reasoning will be employed to construct hypothetical scenarios that simulate alternative educational interventions and examine their potential impact on schema development. By comparing the outcomes of actual interventions with these counterfactual simulations, the study will offer insights into the causal mechanisms underlying the relationship between remedial interventions and schema acquisition.

By employing SNA and counterfactuals in combination, this research aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the complex interplay between remedial interventions, social dynamics, and schema development in contested educational settings. The findings will contribute to the growing body of research on educational interventions and highlight the importance of considering social networks and context in promoting effective learning experiences.

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