Leveraging ChatGPT for Supporting Ill-Structured Problem Solving Mindsets in a Semiotic Policy Environment

Potential Abstract: In today’s rapidly evolving educational landscape, ill-structured problems are becoming increasingly prevalent, requiring students to navigate complex, real-world challenges with no clear-cut solutions. Research has shown that students’ mindsets play a crucial role in their approach to such ill-structured problems, influencing their problem-solving strategies and overall performance. Additionally, the policy environment in which … Read more

Indigenous Knowledge Constructs and Large Language Models: A Cognitive Science Perspective on Visualization in Education

Potential Abstract: Indigenous knowledge systems have long been marginalized in educational settings, often dismissed in favor of more dominant Western perspectives. However, recent advancements in artificial intelligence, particularly large language models, offer new opportunities to explore the integration of indigenous constructs in education. Drawing on cognitive science theories, this research examines the potential benefits of … Read more

Sociocultural Ecologies in Education: Exploring Creative Commons Practices through a Kristevan Milieu

Potential Abstract: This research article investigates the intersection of sociocultural ecologies and Creative Commons practices within educational settings, drawing on the theoretical framework of Julia Kristeva’s notion of the “milieu.” By examining how various sociocultural factors influence the adoption and implementation of Creative Commons licenses in educational contexts, this study aims to shed light on … Read more

Leveraging Open Variables and Virtual Currency for Transnational Education: An Analysis

Potential Abstract: This study investigates the potential benefits of utilizing open variables and virtual currency in the context of transnational education. As education becomes increasingly globalized, the need for innovative approaches to facilitate cross-border collaboration and communication among educators and learners is paramount. Open variables, which are parameters that can be freely accessed and modified, … Read more

Framing Innovation in Education through Ill-Structured Problems: A Derridean Perspective on Generative AI

Potential Abstract: This research article explores the intersection of ill-structured problems, frames, generative AI, and Derridean philosophy in the context of educational innovation. Ill-structured problems, characterized by their complex, ambiguous nature, present unique challenges and opportunities for fostering innovation in educational settings. Drawing on Derrida’s deconstructive approach, which emphasizes the fluidity and multiplicity of meanings, … Read more

Unpacking Multicultural Constructs through Learning Analytics: A Post-Imperial Framework

Potential Abstract: This research article presents a novel framework for analyzing multicultural constructs in education through the lens of learning analytics, with a particular focus on addressing post-imperial perspectives. Drawing on critical theories of education and the growing field of learning analytics, this study seeks to interrogate the ways in which cultural diversity and power … Read more

Innovative Anchors: Naive Nuances in Open Educational Practices

Potential Abstract: This research article delves into the innovative anchors that underlie open educational practices (OEP) in educational settings. By examining the naive nuances present in the implementation of OEP, this study aims to shed light on the complexities and potential pitfalls that educators may encounter when adopting open practices in their teaching. Drawing on … Read more

Analyzing Experiential Discourses in Education through a Heideggerian Data Science Approach

Potential Abstract: This research article explores the intersection of experiential learning, discourses in education, and data science through a Heideggerian lens. By applying a Heideggerian phenomenological approach to the analysis of data in educational settings, this study seeks to uncover the deeper meanings embedded within the experiential discourses present in educational practices. Drawing on Heidegger’s … Read more

Embracing Democratic Androgogies: Open Educational Practices as a Solution for Postindustrial Education

Potential Abstract: This research article explores the intersection of democratic androgogies, open educational practices, and the challenges faced in postindustrial education settings. With the advent of the digital age and the rapid changes in the workforce, traditional educational models are struggling to keep pace with the demands of a rapidly evolving society. In this context, … Read more

Examining the Social and Political Implications of Blockchain Technology through a Deconstructionist Mode of Address

Potential Abstract: In recent years, blockchain technology has gained significant attention for its potential to revolutionize various industries, including education. This paper adopts a deconstructionist lens to investigate the social and political implications of implementing blockchain within educational settings. Drawing on critical theory and poststructuralist perspectives, we analyze how blockchain, as a decentralized and immutable … Read more
