A Multivoiced Framework for Exploring Constructivist Stories in Education through the Lens of Behavioral Economics

Potential Abstract: This research article proposes a multivoiced framework for exploring the role of constructivist stories in education through the lens of behavioral economics. Drawing on the theoretical perspectives of constructivism and behavioral economics, this study investigates how the use of stories in educational settings can promote deep learning, enhance engagement, and influence decision-making processes. By combining these two theoretical frameworks, this research aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the potential for constructivist stories to shape students’ thinking, attitudes, and behaviors.

The multivoiced framework recognizes the complexity and diversity of educational contexts and perspectives. It acknowledges that multiple voices, including those of students, teachers, and researchers, contribute to the understanding of constructivist stories in education. By incorporating diverse perspectives, this framework promotes a collaborative and inclusive approach to research and practice.

The study proposes that constructivist stories can be seen as powerful teaching tools that tap into students’ cognitive and emotional processes. By presenting information in narrative form, stories have the potential to engage students’ attention and facilitate the integration of new knowledge with existing mental models. Moreover, stories can evoke emotions, which can have a profound impact on learning and decision-making processes. This research seeks to explore the underlying mechanisms through which constructivist stories influence students’ cognition, emotions, and decision-making.

This study will employ qualitative research methods, including interviews, observations, and document analysis, to gather data from a diverse sample of students and teachers. The analysis will be guided by the principles of grounded theory, aiming to generate rich and contextually situated understandings of the role of constructivist stories in education. The findings will contribute to both theoretical and practical knowledge, informing the design and implementation of effective educational interventions that leverage constructivist storytelling techniques.

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