Sociocultural Androgogies from a Derridean Perspective: Embracing Open Science in Education

Potential Abstract:
In this research article, we explore the intersection of sociocultural androgogies through a Derridean lens, with a focus on embracing open science principles within the field of education. Drawing on Derrida’s deconstructive philosophy, we challenge traditional understandings of educational practices by examining how sociocultural factors influence adult learning and development. By incorporating open science methodologies, we aim to foster transparency, collaboration, and inclusivity in educational research. Our study examines how the integration of these perspectives can enhance teaching and learning practices in diverse educational settings. Through a series of case studies and theoretical analyses, we demonstrate the potential of applying a Derridean perspective to reframe and improve educational practices. This research contributes to the ongoing dialogue within the field of education by advocating for a more critical and inclusive approach to understanding androgogical processes.

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