Unleashing Creativity in the Metaverse: A Feminist Perspective on Conversations with Chat Bots

Potential Abstract:
In the rapidly evolving landscape of online education and virtual reality, the metaverse has emerged as a promising platform for fostering creativity and engaging learners in innovative ways. This study explores the intersection of creativity, chat bots, and feminist pedagogy within the context of the metaverse. Drawing on critical feminist theories and socio-cultural perspectives on technology-enhanced learning, we investigate how chat bots can be designed and utilized to create inclusive and empowering learning environments that challenge traditional gender norms and promote diverse forms of expression. Through a qualitative analysis of conversations between learners and chat bots in a virtual classroom setting, we examine the potential of these interactions to spark creative ideas, foster collaboration, and empower individuals to explore new modes of self-expression within the metaverse. Our findings highlight the importance of designing chat bots that are sensitive to diverse identities and capable of fostering meaningful dialogues that encourage learners to think critically about issues of power, representation, and inclusion. By centering feminist principles in the design and implementation of chat bot technologies, we aim to contribute to the development of more inclusive and empowering educational practices in virtual environments.

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