Transnational Negotiation of Algorithmic Hegemonies in Educational Hackathons

Potential Abstract:
This research examines the transnational negotiation of algorithmic hegemonies within the context of educational hackathons. As technology increasingly permeates educational spaces, the power dynamics embedded within algorithms become crucial to understand. Educational hackathons, as collaborative events where participants develop technology-based solutions to educational challenges, offer a unique setting to explore how algorithmic hegemonies are constructed, maintained, and challenged. This study employs a mixed-methods approach, combining participant observation, interviews, and content analysis to investigate how different actors in educational hackathons engage with and contest algorithmic hegemonies. By examining hackathon participants’ interactions with algorithms, platform owners, educators, and policymakers across different cultural and national contexts, this research sheds light on the ways in which power dynamics in educational technology are negotiated and contested. The findings of this study contribute to a deeper understanding of how algorithmic systems in education can be more equitable and inclusive.

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