Unpacking the Levinasian Metalogue: Gestalt Affordances in Virtual Currency Education

Potential Abstract: This research article explores the intersection of Levinasian ethics, gestalt theories, and virtual currency education to examine the affordances and challenges of using virtual currencies in educational settings. Drawing upon the philosophical works of Emmanuel Levinas and the cognitive theories of gestalt psychology, this study analyzes the potential for leveraging virtual currencies as a tool for fostering ethical engagement and critical thinking in students. The concept of gestalt affordances is employed to investigate how virtual currencies can provide unique opportunities for students to interact with complex ethical dilemmas and develop their moral reasoning skills. Through the lens of metalogue, this research delves into the dialogue between students, educators, and the virtual environment, shedding light on the ways in which virtual currencies shape educational experiences and ethical decision-making processes. The study also examines the implications of integrating virtual currencies into educational practices, considering both the benefits and limitations of using digital tokens as a means to enhance student learning and ethical development. By unpacking the Levinasian metalogue within the context of virtual currency education, this research contributes to a deeper understanding of how technology-mediated interactions can influence ethical reasoning and moral growth in educational settings.

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