Unpacking Grading Practices Through an Anti-Racist Lens: A Multivoiced Exploration of Learning Analytics and Alternative Ways of Knowing

Potential Abstract:
Abstract: This research study investigates the intersection of anti-racist pedagogy, grading practices, learning analytics, and multiple ways of knowing in education. With a focus on promoting equity and social justice in education, the study delves into how traditional grading systems perpetuate educational inequities and explores alternative assessment approaches through a multivoiced lens. Drawing on critical race theory and decolonial perspectives, the study aims to challenge dominant narratives around student evaluation and redefine success in education. By incorporating learning analytics, the study also seeks to harness the power of data-driven insights to inform pedagogical practices that better support student learning and growth. Through the utilization of multiple ways of knowing, including Indigenous perspectives and student voice, the study seeks to co-construct a more inclusive and equitable educational landscape. This research contributes to the ongoing dialogue on decolonizing education and transforming grading practices towards more just and holistic assessment methods.

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