Navigating Virtual Safe Spaces: Unpacking Cognitive Biases Through a Derridean Way of Knowing

Potential Abstract: In the digital age, virtual safe spaces have emerged as platforms for individuals to engage in discussions and interactions while feeling protected and supported. However, the very nature of these spaces can also perpetuate cognitive biases, hindering critical thinking and reflective dialogue. This research delves into the exploration of cognitive biases within virtual safe spaces through the lens of a Derridean way of knowing. Drawing on Derrida’s deconstructive approach, which challenges established structures of thought and discourse, this study seeks to uncover and examine the underlying biases that shape interactions within virtual safe spaces. By applying a Derridean framework, this research aims to bring awareness to the complexities of bias and knowledge construction in online environments, ultimately offering insights into how these biases can be mitigated to foster more inclusive and equitable discussions within virtual safe spaces.

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