Genetic Models GitHub: Centered Positionality in Educational Research

Potential Abstract: This research article explores the integration of genetic models with the open-source platform GitHub to center positionality in educational research. Positionality, a concept originating from feminist and critical race theories, emphasizes the importance of acknowledging researchers’ social location, identities, and biases in the research process. By incorporating genetic models and utilizing GitHub for collaboration and transparency, this study aims to enhance the reflexivity and accountability of researchers in educational research. The integration of genetic models allows for the analysis of how researchers’ positionalities influence the design, interpretation, and dissemination of research findings. Furthermore, GitHub provides a centralized platform for sharing code, data, and documentation, promoting reproducibility and fostering dialogue among researchers with diverse positionalities. Through a critical examination of the intersection between genetic models, GitHub, and positionality, this article contributes to advancing methodological practices in educational research and promoting equity and social justice in academia.

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