Understanding Social Factors in Virtual Reality Simulation Hackathons

Potential Abstract:
Virtual reality (VR) technology has gained popularity in educational settings due to its potential to provide immersive learning experiences. Hackathons, as collaborative events where participants work intensively on projects for a limited time, have also been utilized to enhance learning and problem-solving skills. This study examines the intersection of these two educational approaches by investigating social factors that influence participants’ experiences in VR simulation hackathons. By leveraging a mixed-methods research design, including surveys, interviews, and observations, we aim to uncover how social dynamics such as collaboration, communication, and leadership impact learning outcomes and participant satisfaction. Our findings highlight the importance of fostering a supportive and inclusive environment in VR simulation hackathons to enhance learning and engagement. This research contributes to the growing body of literature on the effective integration of VR technology in educational contexts, with a focus on the social aspects that shape the learning experience.

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