Leveraging Online Networks: Exploring Naive Causal Models on GitHub

Potential Abstract:
In recent years, online platforms have become instrumental in facilitating collaborative learning and knowledge sharing among educators, researchers, and practitioners. One such platform that has gained prominence is GitHub, a web-based platform commonly used for version control and collaborative software development. This study investigates how educators, specifically those with limited experience in causal modeling, utilize GitHub as a tool to develop and apply naive causal models in educational research. Naive causal models refer to the simplified mental models individuals construct to explain causal relationships without a deep understanding of underlying principles. Through an analysis of GitHub repositories and user interactions, this research aims to uncover patterns in how educators create, share, and refine naive causal models in an online network setting. By examining the communication and collaboration dynamics on GitHub, this study seeks to elucidate how educators leverage online networks to enhance their understanding of causal relationships in educational research. The findings from this study have implications for the design of online platforms to support novice educators in developing their causal reasoning skills and fostering a community of practice around causal modeling in education.

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