Borderless Perception: Statistical Analysis of Rurality Through a Kristevan Lens

Potential Abstract:
This research article examines the concept of rurality through the lens of Julia Kristeva’s theory of abjection and the role of perception in shaping statistical analyses in education. The study explores the implications of borderless educational landscapes on the understanding of rurality and how statistical methods can be utilized to uncover hidden patterns and biases. Drawing on Kristeva’s framework of the abject as a site of disruption and boundaries, the research seeks to deconstruct traditional perceptions of rurality by challenging the limitations imposed by geographical boundaries. By applying statistical analyses to datasets from rural education contexts, the study aims to reveal the complexities and nuances of rurality that are often overlooked in conventional educational research. This interdisciplinary approach not only sheds light on the interplay between rurality and statistical methods but also prompts a reevaluation of the ways in which educational phenomena are perceived and understood. The findings of this study have the potential to inform policy and practice in education by offering new insights into the multifaceted nature of rurality and the importance of adopting a borderless perspective in educational research.

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