Exploring Categorical Theories through Data Science: Poststructural Re-negotiation in Education

Potential Abstract: This research article seeks to examine the intersection between categorical theories, data science, and poststructural re-negotiation in the field of education. Drawing on theoretical frameworks from critical and poststructuralist perspectives, this study investigates the ways in which data science can be leveraged to challenge and deconstruct existing categorical theories in educational research. By employing a poststructural lens, this research aims to illuminate the potential for re-negotiation and reconceptualization of educational phenomena through the application of data science techniques.

Through a comprehensive literature review, this study examines the existing scholarship on categorical theories and their limitations in understanding complex educational phenomena. It explores the ways in which data science can provide new insights and alternative perspectives, allowing for the deconstruction and re-conceptualization of traditional categorical frameworks. Furthermore, this research investigates the role of poststructural theory in understanding the power dynamics and social constructions that underlie categorical theories, and how these can be re-negotiated through data science.

In order to achieve these objectives, this study proposes a mixed-methods approach, combining quantitative data analysis with qualitative inquiry. The quantitative component involves the application of data science techniques, such as machine learning algorithms and network analysis, to large-scale educational datasets. The qualitative component includes in-depth interviews and document analysis to explore the social and cultural contexts in which categorical theories are constructed and maintained.

The findings of this research have significant implications for educational research and practice. By challenging the limitations of categorical theories through data science, this study seeks to contribute to a more nuanced and contextually sensitive understanding of educational phenomena. Moreover, the re-negotiation of categorical theories through a poststructural lens can empower marginalized voices and challenge dominant discourses in education.

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