Unpacking Racism in Education through Eigenvectors and Commons-Based Peer Production: A Postcolonial Analysis of Mode of Address

Potential Abstract: This research article critically examines the intersectionality of racism, eigenvectors, commons-based peer production, and postcolonial perspectives in the context of education. Through a postcolonial lens, the study delves into the underlying power structures that perpetuate systemic racism in educational settings. By utilizing eigenvectors as a mathematical tool for analyzing complex data patterns, the research aims to uncover hidden biases and discriminatory practices that often go unnoticed within educational systems. Furthermore, the study explores how commons-based peer production models can be leveraged to challenge dominant narratives and foster inclusive and equitable learning environments for all students. Through a nuanced analysis of the mode of address within educational spaces, this research sheds light on the role of language and discourse in perpetuating or dismantling racist ideologies. Ultimately, this article seeks to contribute to the ongoing dialogue on addressing racism in education and advocating for transformative practices that promote social justice and equity.

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