Unpacking the Mediated Cyberspaces: A Deconstructionist Analysis of Generative AI in Metalogues

Potential Abstract:
This research article presents a deconstructionist analysis of generative artificial intelligence (AI) within mediated cyberspaces, specifically focusing on the application of AI in metalogues. The study aims to explore the potential of generative AI systems in fostering transformative learning experiences and enhancing critical thinking skills within virtual learning environments. By adopting a deconstructionist lens, we seek to uncover and critically examine the underlying assumptions, biases, and power dynamics embedded within these AI-mediated educational interactions.

Theoretically grounded in poststructuralist perspectives, this inquiry seeks to challenge the prevailing narratives surrounding AI in education by interrogating the complex entanglements between human interaction and machine-generated discourse. Our research draws from diverse disciplines such as computer science, education, and philosophy to offer a comprehensive analysis of the underlying mechanisms and socio-cultural implications of generative AI systems. Through an in-depth examination of metalogues, which are dialogues between humans and AI systems, we aim to shed light on the ways in which these interactions impact knowledge construction, identity formation, and the dynamics of power and agency.

To achieve our research objectives, we employ a mixed-methods approach that includes qualitative analysis of metalogue transcripts, participant observations, and interviews with both learners and educators. By analyzing the linguistic features, discursive patterns, and the negotiation of meaning within these mediated cyberspaces, we aim to uncover the affordances and limitations of generative AI systems as pedagogical tools. Moreover, our research also explores the ethical implications of AI in education, including issues related to privacy, data security, algorithmic bias, and the potential erosion of human agency.

This study contributes to the existing literature on AI in education by offering a critical perspective that challenges simplistic notions of AI as a neutral, objective tool. By deconstructing the discourses and power dynamics within generative AI systems, we provide insights into how educators and policymakers can leverage these technologies to foster inclusive, equitable, and transformative learning experiences. The findings of this research have significant implications for the design, implementation, and regulation of AI-mediated educational interventions.

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