Examining Categorical Discourses in Education: Implications for Transformative Artificial Intelligence

Potential Abstract:
This article investigates the role of categorical discourses in shaping educational practices and explores their implications for the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies in educational settings. Drawing on insights from the fields of artificial intelligence and education, this study aims to deepen our understanding of the potential transformative impact that AI can have on education, particularly in relation to categorical discourses.

Categorical discourses in education refer to the ways in which knowledge, ideas, and practices are organized, classified, and communicated within educational contexts. These discourses often serve as frameworks for understanding and interpreting educational phenomena, guiding policies, and shaping pedagogical approaches. However, they can also be constraining, perpetuating inequalities and limiting possibilities for innovation and change.

By critically examining the role of categorical discourses in education, this study seeks to identify how AI can disrupt and transform existing educational systems. The integration of AI technologies in education has the potential to challenge traditional disciplinary boundaries, transform assessment practices, and enhance personalized learning experiences. However, it is essential to explore the ways in which AI may reproduce or reinforce existing categorical discourses, potentially exacerbating educational inequities.

To address these research goals, this study employs a mixed-methods approach. It involves an analysis of existing literature to identify dominant categorical discourses in education and their historical development. Additionally, qualitative interviews with educators, administrators, policymakers, and AI developers will be conducted to gain insights into the perspectives and experiences of key stakeholders.

The findings of this research will contribute to the emerging field of AI in education by providing a critical examination of categorical discourses and their implications for the transformative potential of AI technologies. It will inform educational policymakers, practitioners, and AI developers about the importance of consciously and intentionally integrating AI in education to avoid perpetuating existing inequities.

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