Exploring Situated Scoring in Open Educational Practices: A Marxist Perspective on Transgression

Potential Abstract:
Abstract: This research article delves into the topic of situated scoring in the context of open educational practices through a Marxist lens with an emphasis on transgression. The implementation of open educational practices has gained significant traction in recent years, providing learners with open access to educational resources and fostering collaboration and knowledge sharing. However, despite the potential benefits of these practices, there is a lack of research focusing on the scoring and assessment mechanisms within open educational environments. This article aims to close this research gap by examining the situated nature of scoring and its implications for open educational practices, while considering the potential of a Marxist analysis to shed light on the power dynamics and ideological aspects involved.

Drawing on relevant literature in the fields of education, artificial intelligence, and critical theory, this article explores the concept of situated scoring, which acknowledges the context-specific factors that influence assessment practices. By adopting a Marxist perspective, this article critically examines the power relations inherent in scoring systems and the ways they can reinforce or challenge existing social, economic, and ideological structures. Additionally, this article investigates how transgression, as a form of resistance against dominant norms and values, can be fostered and encouraged within the framework of open educational practices.

Through a comprehensive literature review, this article identifies key themes and areas of tension and provides insights into the potential benefits and challenges of situated scoring in open educational practices. Furthermore, it proposes alternative assessment approaches that align with Marxist principles and encourage transgressive learning experiences, aiming to empower learners, challenge oppressive structures, and promote social justice in education.

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