The Context-Laden Margins of Science Education: Exploring the Role of GitHub in Fostering Critical Engagement within a Marxist Framework

Potential Abstract: This research article investigates the potential of GitHub, a collaborative platform for software development, in promoting critical engagement among marginalized students within the context of science education. Drawing on a Marxist theoretical framework, we examine the ways in which GitHub can be leveraged to empower students from historically underrepresented backgrounds in the sciences, bridging the gaps between formal education and real-world scientific practices. Through a mixed methods approach, we explore the experiences of students engaging with GitHub as a means of knowledge creation and community-building in science education.

Using a qualitative case study design, we conducted semi-structured interviews with a diverse group of high school students who participated in a science education program that incorporated GitHub. Additionally, we analyzed student artifacts, such as code repositories and project documentation, to gain insight into their learning processes and outcomes. Our findings reveal that GitHub, when implemented within a Marxist framework, has the potential to transform science education by providing marginalized students with opportunities to challenge traditional power structures and actively participate in knowledge production.

Furthermore, this study highlights the importance of creating supportive learning environments that foster student agency, collaboration, and critical consciousness. We identify key pedagogical strategies and design principles for integrating GitHub into science education, including scaffolding student participation, facilitating peer-to-peer learning, and creating opportunities for reflection on the sociopolitical dimensions of science. By emphasizing the significance of context-laden education, we argue that GitHub can serve as a powerful tool for democratizing science education and promoting equity in the field.

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