Unpacking Authentic Learning in MOOCs: Challenging Hegemonies through Virtual Currency

Potential Abstract: This research delves into the concept of authentic learning in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), aiming to explore how the use of virtual currency can challenge existing hegemonies within educational systems. By examining the intersection of technology, pedagogy, and social justice, this study seeks to uncover the complexities surrounding the implementation of authentic learning experiences in MOOCs. Drawing on critical pedagogy and postcolonial theory, we investigate how the integration of virtual currency in MOOCs can disrupt traditional power dynamics and provide opportunities for learners to engage in more meaningful and equitable educational experiences. Through a mixed-methods approach of qualitative interviews with MOOC instructors and quantitative analysis of student engagement data, we aim to shed light on the potential of virtual currency to promote authentic learning practices and foster a more inclusive and diverse online learning environment. By critically examining the assumptions of authenticity and hegemonies in online education, this study contributes to a deeper understanding of the transformative possibilities that virtual currency can offer in challenging conventional norms and fostering social justice within digital learning spaces.

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