Unpacking the Political Dimensions of ChatGPT Networks: A Derridean Analysis of Textuality

Potential Abstract: This research article delves into the intersection of political discourse, artificial intelligence, and educational implications through an analysis of ChatGPT networks using a Derridean lens. By examining the textuality of ChatGPT-generated responses within the context of political conversations, this study aims to uncover the underlying power dynamics and ideological influences embedded in AI-generated content. Through a qualitative analysis of ChatGPT interactions, we explore how the algorithmic nature of these networks shapes and mediates the dissemination of political information and viewpoints. Drawing on Derridean deconstruction, we interrogate the inherent biases and assumptions present in the textuality of AI-generated responses, shedding light on the complexities of language, power, and representation in online political discourse. Our findings offer insights into the ways in which AI technologies like ChatGPT can both reflect and perpetuate political ideologies, and raise critical questions about the role of education in fostering digital literacy and critical engagement with AI-generated content.

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