Unpacking Constructivist Hegemonies through Artificial Situationality in Jupyter Notebooks and Cloud Technologies

Potential Abstract: This research article delves into the intersection of constructivist pedagogy, hegemonic structures, and emerging technologies within the realm of education. Specifically, the study explores how Jupyter notebooks and cloud technologies can be leveraged to enhance student learning experiences in a constructivist framework while also critically examining the ways in which power dynamics are negotiated in educational settings. By incorporating artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms, the research aims to uncover the complex interplay between technology, pedagogy, and social structures, shedding light on the potential for both empowerment and marginalization within educational contexts. Through a qualitative analysis of classroom observations, student artifacts, and teacher reflections, the study seeks to illuminate the nuanced ways in which situational factors influence the implementation and outcomes of technology-mediated constructivist practices. Findings from this research can inform educators, policymakers, and technology developers on the implications of integrating cloud technologies and artificial intelligence tools in constructivist teaching approaches, offering insights on how to navigate and challenge existing hegemonies in educational systems.

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