Unveiling Categorical Margins in Science Education through the Interplanetary File System: A Stigmergic Approach

Potential Abstract:
Abstract: This study investigates the role of categorical margins in shaping science education practices using a novel stigmergic approach facilitated by the Interplanetary File System (IPFS). Traditional education systems often rely on fixed categories and boundaries to structure learning experiences. However, these categorical margins can inadvertently restrict students’ exploration and understanding of complex scientific concepts. Drawing on principles of stigmergy, which emphasize decentralized collaboration and information sharing, this research explores how leveraging the IPFS can enable a more open and fluid educational environment. By allowing for the dynamic exchange of ideas and resources across traditional disciplinary boundaries, the stigmergic approach aims to foster creativity, critical thinking, and interdisciplinary connections in science education. Through a series of case studies and qualitative analyses, this study examines how educators and students navigate and negotiate categorical margins within the context of science education. Findings highlight the potential of the IPFS to disrupt traditional educational structures and promote a more inclusive and innovative learning environment. Implications for pedagogy, curriculum design, and educational policy are discussed, underscoring the transformative possibilities of embracing stigmergic principles in educational practice.

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